Reunions: Friends of Sprint Football Reception
Princeton Stadium, Class of 1956 RoomFriends of Sprint Football Reception. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Sprint Football. Princeton Stadium, Class of 1956 Room.
Friends of Sprint Football Reception. Sponsored by the Friends of Princeton Sprint Football. Princeton Stadium, Class of 1956 Room.
Environmental Studies Program Alumni Reception. Sponsored by the Princeton Environmental Institute. Guyot Hall, Atrium.
Princeton Tiger Alumni Brunch. Sponsored by The Princeton Tiger. 48 University Place, Room 402.
Friends of PUP Reunions Brunch To 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the Princeton University Players. Rocky-Mathey Classroom.
Festive Shabbat Lunch. Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Life/ Hillel. Center for Jewish Life, 70 Washington Road.
Prospect House Open House. Sponsored by Prospect House. Prospect House.
Princeton Evangelical Fellowship Luncheon To 7 PM. Sponsored by Princeton Evangelical Fellowship. Friend Center, Convocation Room.
University Press Club Alumni Lunch. Sponsored by the University Press Club. Chancellor Green, Upper Hyphen.
Murray-Dodge Café: Cookies and Tea. Sponsored by Murray-Dodge Café. Murray-Dodge Hall Café.
WPRB and Nassau Weekly Alumni Reception with 75th Anniversary Oral History / Station ID Recording by Alumni. Sponsored by WPRB and the Nassau Weekly. Bloomberg Hall, WPRB Studios.