Rozalie Czesana ’18, your guide to the best of dining on campus.
Cream of Broccoli Soup @BUTLER/WILSON
Tomato Chowder; Vegetable Ranch Salad @FORBES
Halal Beef with Broccoli; Pasta Salad with Mozzarella & Pesto @WHITMAN
Latin Chicken* with Black Beans & Sweet Potatoes @CJL
Honey & Sage Roasted Chicken*; Lentils & Kale @FORBES
Maple Roasted Duck with Butternut Squash Polenta; @GRAD COLLEGE
Latin Citrus Mojo Braised Pork** Shoulder; Toasted Rice with Saffron & Fennel @ROCKY/MATHEY
*Bell & Evans organic, air-chilled chicken, no antibiotics, no growth hormones, from Pennsylvania Dutch country
House Foods organic, non-GMO, OU, kosher tofu made of American-grown soy
**Leidy’s® pork products: American Humane Association Free Farmed certified because of the humane and special care given to their animals
****spotlight: broccoli