Tim Searchinger, a co-founder of Princeton Studies Food and host along with co-founder Gordon Douglas MD ’55, of our conferences, has with colleagues at the World Resources Institute finalized a years-long project, the ‘World Resources Report: Creating a Sustainable Food Future’ . The report “offers a five-course menu of solutions that shows we can feed 10 billion people by 2050 without increasing emissions, fueling deforestation or exacerbating poverty.” Among the top solutions: Reduce food loss and waste; shift to healthier and more sustainable diets; avoid competition
from bioenergy for food crops and land; and achieve replacement-level fertility rates, in part by increasing educational opportunities for girls. Click here to watch his segment of the WRI video introducing the final version of the report; here’s a Washington Post editorial about the work; here’s a Time piece that quotes him on the subject. Follow his Twitter feed @TSearchinger or email him.