This seminar bridges the science of the plate and the community of the table – and it couldn’t have been done without support. Thanks to Rozalie Czesana ’18, Rocky! Kelly Caylor, lead professor, of CEE and PEI! Thanks to Harriet Flower, Mathey College master, who paved the way with Flavor Labs! To Maria Bohn of CBLI! To Gordon Douglas MD ’55 and Sheila Mahoney S’55. To Tim Searchinger, research scholar extraordinaire! To Naomi Leonard and Evelyn Laffey, CST! To Shana Weber and crew at Sustainability! To Laurel Cantor at Communications! To Steve Cochrane ’81, superintendent at Princeton Public Schools! And a host of others, on campus and off, whose first answer is Yes. At the pilot, Amy Lerner, postdoc, lectured on politics, economics and cultural significance of Chile, Corn & Chocolate in Mexico, and Chef Shelton guided students through making a full meal with a Cinco de Mayo flavor (including mole from scratch).
The course will feature seasonal produce and artisanal products from the region, including celebrated cheeses, breads and meats from Jonathan White and Nina Stein White of Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse.