2/19 Food Entrepreneurship symposium: Program

Food Entrepreneurship poster Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 11.40.13 AMPlease register and join us at Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall on Friday, Feb. 19 for a day of debate and solutions-oriented discussions on how to nourish ourselves and the global population while protecting our Earth and its finite resources. We will explore the question by addressing two further questions: How can we use entrepreneurship to tackle this problem? How do we best leverage the full power of Princeton in this service?

Our panels are Innovation in Agriculture, Innovation on the Plate, Innovation in Food Literacy, Innovation in Finance and Future of Food Study at Princeton. Panelists will speak for only about five minutes each to ensure plenty of time for Q&A and discussion. Running concurrently with lunch is the Food Meetup, sponsored by Career Services.

We see no need to print a program for the symposium, since it is available online: The agenda is here; the biographies of our panelists and moderators are here. We will be updating both as needed.

Logistics: If you’re driving, there are metered spots on the streets (most nearby are metered two-hour spots) or park in Lot 21 (directions here) and take the shuttle or walk to Robertson Hall. or there is a shuttle you can take from the parking lot. There is also metered parking if you can find a spot nearby. If you are taking the train, there’s information here

We are delighted to work with groups on campus and in the greater community (we’re all in this together, after all). Thanks to Career Services for the Food Meetup and for its generous contribution for meals. Thanks, too, to Princeton Environmental Institute for co-sponsoring – and its generous contribution to meals. Thanks to the Keller Center for the Cocktails and all of the support; thanks to Jersey Cider Works for sharing cider and your startup story and to Jonathan and Nina White of Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse for sharing bread, cheese, butter and your food entrepreneurship story. Thanks to Lillipies for breakfast and pastries. Thanks to co-sponsors Gordon Douglas MD ’55 and Sheila Mahoney S’55. Thanks to Chuck Crosby at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs-STEP Program, our logistics wizard. Thanks to David Walton, owner of Rojo’s Roastery of Palmer Square, for all-day coffee, and thanks to Chef Jerry Luz of Campus Dining for food at lunch – and to all whose work before us has enabled this group and this symposium, the second for Princeton Studies Food.

– Karla Cook, co-founder and coordinator, Princeton Studies Food